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... or what if your independent assistant was a new version of Mary Poppins!

Who hasn't heard of the wonderful nanny Mary Poppins? The one who has the ability to solve any problem with her personality and skills, but also with a personal touch, a dose of "magic"!

In the original 1964 film, Julie Andrews takes on the role of this magical nanny and transforms the Banks children's messy room into a tidy, clean, and practical one.

When Emily Blunt reprises the role in 2018, she magically (or maybe it really was!) reorganises the huge pile of papers that litter the floor.

It's not just the Banks family, or in a Disney film, that you can find these almost magical reorganisation and problem-solving skills!

You too can have your own Mary Poppins! But how, you may ask?

A skilled independent/virtual assistant is that person and she can take on that role for you, transforming your work so that everything becomes clear, simple, orderly, and manageable again.

She can save you precious time with her organisational, planning, and management skills. She may not be a magician, but the results she brings you are potentially truly magical!

Don't wait to be overwhelmed by paperwork! Contact me to find out if I can be your Mary Poppins (I promise I won't sing, it's for your own good!)

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