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Time Management - work-life balance

Although your work and personal lives might seem unrelated, what you do in one will have an important impact on the other. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you will be able to accomplish more at work.

Assistante indépendante et la gestion du temps équilibre privé-professionnel

N° 26: Exercise often

Physical activity has a significant effect on productivity. Participants in one research reported a 72% increase in time management and workload completion after including daytime exercise into their regimens.

Short, intensive workouts might be just as helpful as longer ones, according to research. Make time every other day for at least a short workout.

N° 27: Sleep well

Thinking about devoting part of your sleeping hours to a project with a looming deadline? I would advise against it.

Scientists have discovered that sleeping less in order to make more time for activities has a detrimental influence in both the short and long term. Tired individuals procrastinate more and are more readily sidetracked. Even if the deadline is approaching, try giving your brain at least eight hours of sleep every night.

N° 28: Schedule relaxation time

When we work, our bodies go through what is known as the Effort-Recovery model.

We all undertake things that demand effort throughout the course of a typical workday. Our bodies respond to this output of effort by increasing heart rate and blood pressure, which causes weariness and stress on the body.

When you schedule time for recuperation at the end of the day, these physiological reactions will return to normal. There may be negative physiological and mental consequences if you do not make time for recuperation.

Turning off your work brain is critical for your health and future productivity. You'll be amazed at how beneficial some quiet time can be to your creative processes. Yoga and meditation are two hobbies that can help you relax your body and quiet your mind.

N° 29: Learn to say no

Your time is valuable. Don't squander it on jobs and initiatives that aren't in line with your mission and objectives. Instead of instantly accepting invitations and offers, say something like, "I'll check my calendar and get back to you." This simple sentence will allow you time to consider options and make sound judgments.

N° 31: Train the other side of your brain

Productive hobbies involve regions of your brain that you may not use during office hours but are nonetheless necessary for optimal mental functioning. You will be able to solve issues faster and with more originality, if you develop these regions of your brain.

Spending time outside of your comfort zone may also boost your confidence and help you learn new abilities. Find a productive hobby that you like and can commit to for an extended length of time. Reading, cooking, dancing, gardening, meditation, language learning, volunteering, and improvisation are all popular hobbies.

N° 32: Have a great time—no matter what

Don't get too caught up in crossing everything off your to-do list. Everyone needs a healthy work-life balance. Completing an overburdened task today isn't worth an unproductive, burnt-out day tomorrow.

Work in a consistent and even way, and maintain your optimum pace. Rushing through chores lowers job quality and adds stress.


So that's it, that's all my time management tips and tricks. I will list all the points in a future article, as a reference point. All that's left is for you to start your time audit to begin taking control of your time and your productivity.

Feel free to contact me to discuss how I can help you manage your time better!

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